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Study Shows Older Workers, Latinos Face Higher Work Fatality Rate

Published June 4, 2022 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Over the last few years, workplace deaths have increased across North Carolina and throughout all of the United States. According to a recent study, a large number of those fatalities occur among older workers and Latinos. Casualties are also more common in certain work sectors.


The study, conducted by the AFL-CIO group of labor unions, reported that 5,190 workers died at work in the United States in 2021. That works out to approximately 150 workers dying on the job every day. These figures don’t count the 120,000 workers who died in 2021 from occupational diseases. These numbers represent a stark increase from 2015 which saw 4,836 deaths that year.

The research by the AFL-CIO suggests that some workers are more likely to be injured or killed on the job than others. Over 36% of employee fatalities are suffered by employees aged 55 or above. Workers over 65 are even more likely to die on the job. Latino workers also face an unusually high chance of dying on the job. By race, Latinos are more likely to die at work than any other race. When it comes to the most dangerous type of jobs, the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting sectors are by far the most deadly.

Some workers face a higher risk of injury or death on the job. This includes those in more dangerous industries or more risk-prone demographics. Any employee that is injured on the job may have grounds for a worker’s compensation claim. If successful, a claim will cover a worker’s damages including medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. An attorney with experience in workers’ compensation law may be able to help that worker recover those damages through the worker’s compensation claim process. This can involve negotiating a settlement with the employer or suing the employer on the worker’s behalf.

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