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Workers’ Compensation

Published August 17, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Anyone in North Carolina who has to work around small or heavy-duty machinery should know about the dangers. Improper use of machinery, as well as its poor maintenance, can result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries. Both employees and employers will want to consider the five safety tips given below to prevent such incidents from…

Published August 6, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Among OSHA’s Construction Focus Four (the four hazards that together cause the majority of fatalities at construction sites) is the struck-by object. Struck-by accidents constitute the widest range of threats, covering objects that fly, fall, swing, or roll, so North Carolina workers will want to know how to prevent them. What Are The Major Points…

Published July 30, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

To date, OSHA has no federal standards for the protection of indoor and outdoor workers in extremely hot environments. This heat exposure can lead to an often fatal condition called heat stress. Federal data shows that heat stress killed 783 U.S. workers and seriously injured 69,374 others between the years 1992 and 2016. North Carolina…

Published July 12, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

According to a new study, North Carolina residents could be at risk for heat stroke even when the heat index is less than 91 degrees. If a person has heart disease, diabetes or uses illicit drugs, they could have a fluid imbalance. Workers could also be more likely to experience heat stroke if they are…

Published July 10, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Law enforcement, emergency medical technicians, government employees, and healthcare workers in North Carolina have a chance of encountering unpredictable and dangerous conditions while doing their jobs. Often associated with urban environments, homeless camps or methamphetamine labs produce problems like used needles, dumped hazardous chemicals, or violent people protecting territory. The founder of an occupational safety…

Published June 28, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Workers in North Carolina may face an array of unexpected dangers on the job. Whether they work in an environment with known risks, like construction, or in a less physical space, like a typical office, employees may face a number of hazards leading to workplace accidents and injuries. For example, falls, slips and trips are…

Published June 15, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

North Carolina residents and others who choose to work in the sanitation field face a variety of dangers. In the first 10 days of 2018, seven sanitation workers died according to the Solid Waste Association of North America. In addition to the risk of dying on the job, workers in this industry could get hurt…

Published June 12, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

In September 2017, federal safety inspectors began enforcing a new rule that limits the amount of silica dust construction to which workers in North Carolina and across the U.S. can be exposed. However, many construction companies are still not fully compliant with the regulations, according to media reports. Silica Reduction Rule Silica, which is fine…

Published June 11, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

Workers in North Carolina should know that every industry comes with its own hazards. While some people may not have to face the risk of radiation exposure or pinch point injuries, they may still be at risk for trips, slips and falls. The fact that so many hazards are unforeseeable partly explains why workplace accidents…

Published June 5, 2018 by The Law Offices of John Drew Warlick, P.A.

In the rush to meet deadlines, many business owners in North Carolina may be neglecting the safety of their employees. When safety guidelines are not enforced, even simple actions can open workers up to serious hazards. This is why employers, site managers, safety coaches and others in authority will want to consider the following five…

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